Our Boone, NC chapter is located in Western North Carolina. This chapter of A Bed and A Book is partnering with Kelle’s Krib to provide families in need with beds for their children. We are excited to be able to reach more children in Watauga County with this collaboration. And we look forward to serving Watauga County and ensuring that every child, has a place to dream.
Referring agencies of Watauga County
Watauga County Health and Hunger Coalition, Children’s Council of Watauga, Watauga County Schools, Hospitality House, Watauga County Social Services, High Country Caregivers, Emergency Services, Early Intervention/ Children’s Developmental Services of the Blue Ridge, and OASIS.
Boone Sunrise Rotary is a Community Sponsor
Donating via check? please address all checks to:
A Bed and A Book
127 Sports Club Lane #124, Boone, NC 28607
Donating via Paypal below?
Please specify in memo line that donation is for Boone Chapter
Please specify donation is for Boone chapter in memo line
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